Describing Time and Dates in Ukrainian

Learning how to describe time and dates in Ukrainian is a crucial skill for any language learner. Whether you’re planning a trip to Ukraine, communicating with Ukrainian-speaking friends or family, or simply expanding your linguistic horizons, understanding how to express dates and times will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively. This article will guide you through the fundamental concepts and provide practical examples to help you master this important aspect of the Ukrainian language.

Days of the Week

Let’s start with the days of the week. In Ukrainian, the week begins with Monday, similar to the international standard. Here are the days of the week in Ukrainian:

– Monday: понеділок (ponedilok)
– Tuesday: вівторок (vivtorok)
– Wednesday: середа (sereda)
– Thursday: четвер (chetver)
– Friday: п’ятниця (pyatnytsya)
– Saturday: субота (subota)
– Sunday: неділя (nedilya)

When talking about days of the week, you might need to use the preposition “on,” which is “в” (v) in Ukrainian. For instance:

– On Monday: в понеділок (v ponedilok)
– On Tuesday: в вівторок (v vivtorok)

Months of the Year

Next, let’s look at the months of the year. Here are the Ukrainian names for each month:

– January: січень (sichen)
– February: лютий (lyutyi)
– March: березень (berezen)
– April: квітень (kviten)
– May: травень (traven)
– June: червень (cherven)
– July: липень (lypen)
– August: серпень (serpen)
– September: вересень (veresen)
– October: жовтень (zhovten)
– November: листопад (lystopad)
– December: грудень (hruden)

To say “in [month],” you use the preposition “у” (u) or “в” (v), depending on the initial sound of the month. For example:

– In January: у січні (u sichni)
– In February: у лютому (u lyutomu)


Understanding the seasons is also important for describing the time of year. Here are the Ukrainian terms for the four seasons:

– Spring: весна (vesna)
– Summer: літо (lito)
– Autumn: осінь (osin)
– Winter: зима (zyma)

To say “in [season],” you use the preposition “в” (v). For example:

– In spring: навесні (navesni)
– In summer: влітку (vlitku)


Now, let’s move on to how to express dates. The format for writing dates in Ukrainian is day-month-year. For example, January 1, 2022, would be written as “1 січня 2022 року” (1 sichnya 2022 roku).

When saying dates, you’ll need to know the ordinal numbers. Here are the first few as an example:

– First: перший (pershyi)
– Second: другий (druhyi)
– Third: третій (tretiy)
– Fourth: четвертий (chetvertyi)
– Fifth: п’ятий (pyatyi)

So, to say “the first of January” in Ukrainian, you would say “першого січня” (pershoho sichnya).

Times of Day

Describing times of the day is another essential skill. Here are some common expressions:

– Morning: ранок (ranok)
– Afternoon: після обіду (pislya obidu)
– Evening: вечір (vechir)
– Night: ніч (nich)

To specify the exact time, you’ll need to know how to tell the time in Ukrainian. Here’s a quick guide:

– 1:00 – перша година (persha hodyna)
– 2:00 – друга година (druha hodyna)
– 3:00 – третя година (tretya hodyna)
– 4:00 – четверта година (chetverta hodyna)
– 5:00 – п’ята година (pyata hodyna)
– 6:00 – шоста година (shosta hodyna)
– 7:00 – сьома година (syoma hodyna)
– 8:00 – восьма година (vosma hodyna)
– 9:00 – дев’ята година (devyata hodyna)
– 10:00 – десята година (desyata hodyna)
– 11:00 – одинадцята година (odynadtsyata hodyna)
– 12:00 – дванадцята година (dvanadtsyata hodyna)

To specify minutes, you simply add them after the hour. For example:

– 3:15 – третя година п’ятнадцять хвилин (tretya hodyna pyatnadtsyat khvylyn)
– 7:30 – сьома година тридцять хвилин (syoma hodyna trydtsyat khvylyn)
– 12:45 – дванадцята година сорок п’ять хвилин (dvanadtsyata hodyna sorok pyat khvylyn)

To specify AM or PM, you can use “ранку” (ranku) for AM and “вечора” (vechora) for PM. For example:

– 7:00 AM – сьома година ранку (syoma hodyna ranku)
– 9:00 PM – дев’ята година вечора (devyata hodyna vechora)

Common Time Phrases

Here are some common phrases related to time:

– What time is it? – Котра година? (Kotra hodyna?)
– It’s half past three. – Зараз пів на четверту. (Zaraz piv na chetvertu.)
– It’s quarter to ten. – Зараз без чверті десята. (Zaraz bez chverti desyata.)

Practicing with Examples

Let’s put these elements together in some practical examples:

1. **Setting up a meeting**:
– I have a meeting on Monday at 3:00 PM.
– У мене зустріч в понеділок о третій годині вечора. (U mene zustrich v ponedilok o tretiy hodyni vechora.)

2. **Discussing a birthday**:
– My birthday is on the 5th of May.
– Мій день народження п’ятого травня. (Miy den narodzhennya pyatogo travnya.)

3. **Talking about a trip**:
– We are going on vacation in July.
– Ми їдемо у відпустку в липні. (My yidemo u vidpustku v lypni.)

4. **Describing daily routines**:
– I usually wake up at 7:00 AM.
– Зазвичай я прокидаюся о сьомій годині ранку. (Zazvychay ya prokydayusya o syomiy hodyni ranku.)

5. **Planning an event**:
– The concert is on the 10th of September at 8:00 PM.
– Концерт десятого вересня о восьмій годині вечора. (Kontsert desyatogo veresnya o vosmiy hodyni vechora.)

Additional Tips for Mastery

1. **Consistent Practice**: Make a habit of describing your daily schedule in Ukrainian. This helps reinforce vocabulary and sentence structure.

2. **Use Flashcards**: Create flashcards for days of the week, months, seasons, and ordinal numbers to test your recall.

3. **Engage with Native Speakers**: If possible, practice with native Ukrainian speakers. They can provide feedback and help with pronunciation.

4. **Utilize Language Apps**: Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Anki can be extremely helpful for memorizing vocabulary and practicing pronunciation.

5. **Watch Ukrainian Media**: Listening to Ukrainian news, watching TV shows, or following Ukrainian YouTube channels can help you get accustomed to the natural flow of the language.

6. **Join Language Learning Communities**: Platforms like Reddit, language forums, and Facebook groups can offer support and resources from fellow learners.

By incorporating these strategies into your learning routine, you’ll find that describing time and dates in Ukrainian becomes second nature. Remember, the key to mastering any language is consistent practice and immersion. Good luck on your journey to fluency in Ukrainian!