Швидко vs Поспішно – Quickly vs Hastily in Ukrainian

Learning a new language often involves understanding subtle nuances between similar words. In Ukrainian, two such words that can be confusing for learners are “швидко” (shvydko) and “поспішно” (pospishno). Both words translate to “quickly” in English, but they carry different connotations and are used in different contexts. In this article, we will explore these differences to help you use each word accurately and effectively.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the nuances, let’s first understand the basic meanings of “швидко” and “поспішно”.


The word “швидко” generally means “quickly” or “fast.” It is used to describe the speed or pace of an action without necessarily implying any urgency or carelessness. For example:

– Він швидко бігає. (Vin shvydko bihaie) – He runs quickly.
– Я швидко зробив домашнє завдання. (Ya shvydko zrobyv domashnie zavdannia) – I quickly did my homework.

In these sentences, “швидко” indicates the rapid pace at which the actions are performed.


The word “поспішно,” on the other hand, translates to “hastily” or “hurriedly.” It implies a sense of urgency and often suggests that the action was done without careful thought or planning. For example:

– Він поспішно вибіг з дому. (Vin pospishno vybih z domu) – He hurriedly ran out of the house.
– Вона поспішно прийняла рішення. (Vona pospishno pryiniala rishennia) – She hastily made a decision.

In these sentences, “поспішно” conveys a sense of urgency and potential lack of thoroughness.

Nuances and Contexts

Understanding the differences between “швидко” and “поспішно” requires an appreciation of context and nuance. Here are some scenarios to consider:

Positive vs. Negative Connotations

“Швидко” generally has a neutral or positive connotation. It simply describes speed without any implication of carelessness. For example:

– Він швидко навчився грати на піаніно. (Vin shvydko navchyvsia hrati na pianino) – He quickly learned to play the piano.

This sentence suggests that the person learned to play the piano in a short amount of time, which is generally a positive thing.

“Поспішно,” however, often carries a negative connotation, implying that something was done too quickly and possibly without enough care. For example:

– Він поспішно написав листа і зробив багато помилок. (Vin pospishno napysav lysta i zrobyv bahato pomylok) – He hastily wrote the letter and made many mistakes.

Here, the word “поспішно” suggests that because the letter was written in a hurry, it was not done well.

Intent and Planning

“Швидко” can be used when an action is performed quickly but with intent and planning. For instance:

– Вона швидко склала план подорожі. (Vona shvydko sklala plan podorozhi) – She quickly made a travel plan.

This sentence implies that the plan was made in a short amount of time but does not suggest that it was done carelessly.

“Поспішно,” on the other hand, implies a lack of planning and forethought. For example:

– Вони поспішно залишили місто через паніку. (Vony pospishno zalyshyly misto cherez paniku) – They hastily left the city due to panic.

In this case, “поспішно” indicates that the departure was rushed and possibly not well thought out.

Formal vs. Informal Contexts

Both “швидко” and “поспішно” can be used in formal and informal contexts, but their implications can differ based on the situation.

In a formal context, “швидко” can be used to describe efficiency and competence. For example:

– Компанія швидко вирішила проблему. (Kompaniia shvydko vyryshyla problemu) – The company quickly resolved the issue.

This suggests that the company dealt with the problem efficiently.

Using “поспішно” in a formal context might imply poor judgment or lack of thoroughness. For example:

– Рішення було прийнято поспішно, без достатнього аналізу. (Rishennia bulo pryiniato pospishno, bez dostatnoho analizu) – The decision was made hastily, without adequate analysis.

This indicates that the decision-making process was rushed and potentially flawed.

Practical Applications

To use “швидко” and “поспішно” correctly, it’s essential to consider the context and the message you want to convey. Here are some practical tips and examples to help you.

Everyday Conversations

In daily conversations, “швидко” is often used to describe actions done in a timely manner. For example:

– Мені потрібно швидко піти до магазину. (Meni potribno shvydko pity do mahazynu) – I need to quickly go to the store.

This sentence simply indicates that you need to go to the store and return in a short amount of time.

If you want to express that something was done in a hurry and possibly without care, you would use “поспішно”:

– Я поспішно зібрав речі і забув паспорт. (Ya pospishno zibrav rechi i zabuv pasport) – I hastily packed my things and forgot my passport.

Here, “поспішно” indicates that the packing was rushed and not thorough.

Professional Settings

In professional settings, using “швидко” can convey efficiency and productivity:

– Наша команда швидко завершила проект. (Nasha komanda shvydko zavershyla proekt) – Our team quickly completed the project.

This sentence highlights the team’s ability to work efficiently.

Using “поспішно” in a professional context can imply a lack of thoroughness or poor planning:

– Звіт був підготовлений поспішно і містив багато помилок. (Zvit buv pidhotovlenyi pospishno i mistyv bahato pomylok) – The report was hastily prepared and contained many errors.

This suggests that the report was rushed and not carefully reviewed.

Academic Settings

In academic contexts, “швидко” can be used to describe students who complete tasks efficiently:

– Студент швидко виконав завдання. (Student shvydko vykonav zavdannia) – The student quickly completed the assignment.

This indicates that the student worked efficiently.

On the other hand, “поспішно” can be used to describe work that was done in a hurry and might not meet high standards:

– Студент поспішно написав есе і отримав низьку оцінку. (Student pospishno napysav ese i otrymav nyzku otsinku) – The student hastily wrote the essay and received a low grade.

This implies that the essay was rushed and not well-written.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

As with any language learning, mistakes are part of the process. Here are some common mistakes English speakers might make when using “швидко” and “поспішно,” along with tips on how to avoid them.

Interchanging the Words

One common mistake is using “швидко” when “поспішно” is more appropriate, and vice versa. For example:

Incorrect: Він швидко написав листа і зробив багато помилок. (Vin shvydko napysav lysta i zrobyv bahato pomylok) – He quickly wrote the letter and made many mistakes.

Correct: Він поспішно написав листа і зробив багато помилок. (Vin pospishno napysav lysta i zrobyv bahato pomylok) – He hastily wrote the letter and made many mistakes.

To avoid this mistake, remember that “швидко” describes speed without implying carelessness, while “поспішно” suggests haste and potential errors.

Overusing One Word

Another mistake is overusing one word because it feels more familiar. For example, always using “швидко” even when “поспішно” is more accurate.

Incorrect: Вона швидко прийняла рішення без роздумів. (Vona shvydko pryiniala rishennia bez rozdumiv) – She quickly made a decision without thinking.

Correct: Вона поспішно прийняла рішення без роздумів. (Vona pospishno pryiniala rishennia bez rozdumiv) – She hastily made a decision without thinking.

To avoid this mistake, practice using both words in different contexts to become comfortable with their nuances.

Ignoring Connotation

Ignoring the connotations of “швидко” and “поспішно” can lead to misunderstandings. For example:

Incorrect: Він поспішно виконав завдання і отримав високу оцінку. (Vin pospishno vykonav zavdannia i otrymav vysoku otsinku) – He hastily completed the assignment and received a high grade.

Correct: Він швидко виконав завдання і отримав високу оцінку. (Vin shvydko vykonav zavdannia i otrymav vysoku otsinku) – He quickly completed the assignment and received a high grade.

To avoid this mistake, always consider whether the action was done with care or in a rush.

Practice Exercises

To help solidify your understanding of “швидко” and “поспішно,” here are some practice exercises. Try to determine which word fits best in each sentence.

1. Він _____ закінчив свою роботу і пішов додому.
2. Вона _____ прийняла рішення і тепер жалкує про це.
3. Ми _____ прибрали кімнату перед приходом гостей.
4. Студент _____ написав контрольну роботу і зробив багато помилок.
5. Вони _____ побудували цей будинок за один рік.


1. швидко (shvydko)
2. поспішно (pospishno)
3. швидко (shvydko)
4. поспішно (pospishno)
5. швидко (shvydko)


Understanding the difference between “швидко” and “поспішно” is crucial for conveying the right meaning in Ukrainian. While both words translate to “quickly” in English, “швидко” describes speed without implying carelessness, whereas “поспішно” suggests haste and potential errors. By paying attention to context and connotation, you can use these words accurately and effectively in your conversations and writing. Happy learning!