Швидкий vs Швидкість – Fast vs Speed in Ukrainian

Learning a new language can be an enriching and challenging experience, and understanding the nuances of vocabulary is an essential part of mastering any language. If you’re studying Ukrainian, you might come across words that seem similar but have distinct meanings and uses. Two such words are “швидкий” (shvydkyi) and “швидкість” (shvydkist’). At first glance, they might appear to be related, and they are, but they serve different functions in the language. This article will dive deep into these two words, exploring their meanings, uses, and how to properly incorporate them into your Ukrainian vocabulary.

Understanding “Швидкий” (Shvydkyi)

The word “швидкий” translates to “fast” or “quick” in English. It is an adjective and is used to describe the speed or quickness of a noun. Here are some examples to illustrate its use:

1. Швидкий автомобіль (Shvydkyi avtomobil) – A fast car
2. Швидка допомога (Shvydka dopomoha) – Emergency medical service (literally “fast help”)
3. Швидка реакція (Shvydka reaktsiia) – A quick reaction

As you can see from these examples, “швидкий” is used to describe something that is capable of moving quickly or happening in a short amount of time.

Forms and Conjugation

Like many adjectives in Ukrainian, “швидкий” changes form depending on the gender, number, and case of the noun it describes. Here is a brief overview:

– Masculine Singular: швидкий (shvydkyi)
– Feminine Singular: швидка (shvydka)
– Neuter Singular: швидке (shvydke)
– Plural: швидкі (shvydki)

For example:

– Masculine: Швидкий потяг (Shvydkyi potiah) – A fast train
– Feminine: Швидка відповідь (Shvydka vidpovid’) – A quick answer
– Neuter: Швидке рішення (Shvydke rishennia) – A quick decision
– Plural: Швидкі машини (Shvydki mashyny) – Fast cars

Understanding “Швидкість” (Shvydkist’)

The word “швидкість” translates to “speed” in English. Unlike “швидкий,” “швидкість” is a noun and is used to refer to the concept or measure of how fast something is moving. Here are some examples to illustrate its use:

1. Швидкість світла (Shvydkist’ svitla) – The speed of light
2. Обмеження швидкості (Obmezhennia shvydkosti) – Speed limit
3. Вимірювання швидкості (Vymiriuvannia shvydkosti) – Speed measurement

In these examples, “швидкість” is used to discuss the rate at which something moves or the concept of speed itself.

Forms and Conjugation

“Швидкість” is a feminine noun and does not change form based on gender or number. However, like all Ukrainian nouns, it does change form based on case. Here are the forms of “швидкість” in different cases:

– Nominative (Who? What?): швидкість (shvydkist’)
– Genitive (Of whom? Of what?): швидкості (shvydkosti)
– Dative (To whom? To what?): швидкості (shvydkosti)
– Accusative (Whom? What?): швидкість (shvydkist’)
– Instrumental (With whom? With what?): швидкістю (shvydkistiu)
– Locative (On whom? On what?): швидкості (shvydkosti)
– Vocative (O!): швидкосте (shvydkoste)

For example:

– Nominative: Швидкість автомобіля висока (Shvydkist’ avtomobilia vysoka) – The speed of the car is high
– Genitive: Немає швидкості (Nemaie shvydkosti) – There is no speed
– Dative: Приділяти увагу швидкості (Prydiati uvahu shvydkosti) – To pay attention to speed
– Accusative: Збільшити швидкість (Zbilshyty shvydkist’) – To increase speed
– Instrumental: Зі швидкістю вітру (Zi shvydkistiu vitru) – With the speed of the wind
– Locative: При швидкості більше 100 км/год (Pry shvydkosti bilshe 100 km/h) – At a speed over 100 km/h

Key Differences and Usage Tips

To summarize, the key difference between “швидкий” and “швидкість” is that “швидкий” is an adjective and “швидкість” is a noun. Here are some tips to help you use them correctly:

1. **Identify the Role in the Sentence**: Determine whether you need an adjective to describe a noun or a noun to represent the concept of speed.
– If you are describing something, use “швидкий.”
– If you are talking about the concept or measure of speed, use “швидкість.”

2. **Pay Attention to Gender and Number**: When using “швидкий,” ensure it agrees in gender and number with the noun it describes.
– For example, a fast train (masculine): швидкий потяг
– For example, a fast decision (neuter): швидке рішення

3. **Remember Case Changes**: Both “швидкий” and “швидкість” change form based on case. Pay attention to the grammatical role of the word in the sentence to use the correct form.

Practice Exercises

To reinforce your understanding of “швидкий” and “швидкість,” try these practice exercises:

1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
– The fast car
– The speed of light
– A quick response
– The speed limit
– To increase the speed

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “швидкий” or “швидкість”:
– Він має дуже ________ (fast) реакцію.
– Це було зроблено на великій ________ (speed).
– Ти бачив той ________ (fast) велосипед?
– Ми не можемо перевищувати ________ (speed) на цій дорозі.
– Вона завжди дає ________ (quick) відповіді.

3. Create sentences using the following words:
– швидкий, автомобіль
– швидкість, світло
– швидка, допомога
– обмеження, швидкість

By practicing these exercises, you’ll become more comfortable distinguishing between “швидкий” and “швидкість” and using them correctly in your Ukrainian sentences.


Understanding the difference between “швидкий” and “швидкість” is crucial for mastering Ukrainian vocabulary related to speed and quickness. Remember that “швидкий” is an adjective used to describe nouns, while “швидкість” is a noun referring to the concept or measure of speed. Paying attention to gender, number, and case will help you use these words accurately in your sentences. With practice and careful attention to context, you’ll be able to effectively incorporate these words into your Ukrainian language skills. Happy learning!