Common Ukrainian Phrases for Making Requests

When learning a new language, one of the most valuable skills you can acquire is the ability to make requests. Whether you’re asking for directions, requesting assistance, or simply ordering food at a restaurant, knowing how to phrase your requests politely and effectively can greatly enhance your communication experience. In this article, we will explore some common Ukrainian phrases for making requests. These phrases will be especially useful for English speakers who are new to the Ukrainian language.

Basic Requests

When you start learning a new language, it’s essential to grasp the basic phrases that can help you in everyday situations. Here are some fundamental Ukrainian phrases for making requests:

1. **Будь ласка (Bud’ laska)** – This phrase means “please” and is essential in any polite request. You can use it alone or as part of a longer sentence.

2. **Ви не могли б…? (Vy ne mohly b…?)** – This translates to “Could you…?” and is a polite way to ask someone for a favor or assistance. For example, “Ви не могли б допомогти мені? (Vy ne mohly b dopomohty meni?)” means “Could you help me?”

3. **Чи можете ви…? (Chy mozhete vy…?)** – Similar to the previous phrase, this translates to “Can you…?” It’s slightly less formal but still polite. For example, “Чи можете ви сказати мені…? (Chy mozhete vy skazaty meni…?)” means “Can you tell me…?”

4. **Можна мені…? (Mozhna meni…?)** – This phrase means “May I…?” and is useful for asking for permission. For example, “Можна мені увійти? (Mozhna meni uviity?)” means “May I come in?”

Requests in a Restaurant

When dining out in Ukraine, knowing how to make polite requests can significantly enhance your experience. Here are some useful phrases:

1. **Можна меню, будь ласка? (Mozhna menyu, bud’ laska?)** – “Can I have the menu, please?”

2. **Будь ласка, принесіть мені… (Bud’ laska, prynesit’ meni…)** – “Please bring me…” For example, “Будь ласка, принесіть мені воду (Bud’ laska, prynesit’ meni vodu)” means “Please bring me water.”

3. **Я хотів би замовити… (Ya khotiv by zamovyty…)** – “I would like to order…” For example, “Я хотів би замовити борщ (Ya khotiv by zamovyty borshch)” means “I would like to order borscht.”

4. **Чи можу я отримати рахунок? (Chy mozhu ya otrymaty rakhunok?)** – “Can I get the bill?” or “May I have the check?”

Asking for Directions

Getting lost in a new place can be daunting, but knowing how to ask for directions in Ukrainian can be incredibly helpful. Here are some phrases to help you navigate:

1. **Як дістатися до…? (Yak distatysya do…?)** – “How do I get to…?” For example, “Як дістатися до вокзалу? (Yak distatysya do vokzalu?)” means “How do I get to the train station?”

2. **Де знаходиться…? (De znakhodytsya…?)** – “Where is…?” For example, “Де знаходиться найближчий банк? (De znakhodytsya nayblyzhchyy bank?)” means “Where is the nearest bank?”

3. **Чи можете ви показати мені…? (Chy mozhete vy pokazaty meni…?)** – “Can you show me…?” This phrase is useful when you have a map and need someone to point out a location. For example, “Чи можете ви показати мені на карті? (Chy mozhete vy pokazaty meni na karti?)” means “Can you show me on the map?”

4. **Я заблукав. Чи можете ви допомогти мені знайти дорогу? (Ya zabluvav. Chy mozhete vy dopomohty meni znayty dorohu?)** – “I am lost. Can you help me find my way?”

Requests for Assistance

In various situations, you may need to ask for help or assistance. Here are some phrases to help you make such requests in Ukrainian:

1. **Чи можете ви мені допомогти? (Chy mozhete vy meni dopomohty?)** – “Can you help me?” This is a straightforward and polite way to ask for assistance.

2. **Мені потрібна допомога (Meni potribna dopomoha)** – “I need help.” This phrase is more direct and can be used in urgent situations.

3. **Чи можу я вас попросити…? (Chy mozhu ya vas poprosyty…?)** – “Can I ask you…?” For example, “Чи можу я вас попросити про послугу? (Chy mozhu ya vas poprosyty pro posluhu?)” means “Can I ask you for a favor?”

4. **Можете пояснити мені…? (Mozhete poyasnyty meni…?)** – “Can you explain to me…?” For example, “Можете пояснити мені, як це працює? (Mozhete poyasnyty meni, yak tse pratsyuye?)” means “Can you explain to me how this works?”

Shopping and Services

Whether you are shopping or seeking services, knowing how to make polite requests can be very useful. Here are some phrases to help you:

1. **Скільки це коштує? (Skil’ky tse koshtuye?)** – “How much does this cost?” This is an essential phrase for shopping.

2. **Чи можете ви показати мені інший розмір? (Chy mozhete vy pokazaty meni inshyy rozmir?)** – “Can you show me another size?” This phrase is useful when trying on clothes.

3. **Будь ласка, дайте мені… (Bud’ laska, dayte meni…)** – “Please give me…” For example, “Будь ласка, дайте мені квитанцію (Bud’ laska, dayte meni kvytantsiyu)” means “Please give me the receipt.”

4. **Можна я спробую? (Mozhna ya sprobuyu?)** – “May I try?” This is useful when you want to try on clothes or test a product.

Emergency Situations

In case of emergencies, knowing how to make requests in Ukrainian can be crucial. Here are some phrases that could be life-saving:

1. **Допоможіть! (Dopomozhit’!)** – “Help!” This is a straightforward cry for assistance.

2. **Мені потрібен лікар (Meni potriben likar)** – “I need a doctor.” This is vital if you or someone else is in need of medical attention.

3. **Викличте поліцію (Vyklychte politsiyu)** – “Call the police.” Use this phrase if you need law enforcement assistance.

4. **Є хтось, хто говорить англійською? (Ye khtos’, khto hovoryt’ anhliyskoyu?)** – “Is there someone who speaks English?” This can be helpful if you need to communicate but are struggling with the language barrier.

Politeness and Formality

In Ukrainian culture, politeness and formality are highly valued, especially when making requests. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

1. **Use “ви” instead of “ти”** – In Ukrainian, “ви” (vy) is the formal way to say “you” and should be used when addressing strangers, elders, or in formal situations. “Ти” (ty) is the informal “you” and is used with friends, family, or people of the same age group.

2. **Add “будь ласка”** – Always try to include “будь ласка” (please) in your requests to make them more polite.

3. **Tone and Body Language** – Your tone of voice and body language can significantly impact how your request is received. Smile, make eye contact, and use a friendly tone to convey politeness.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any other skill, making requests in Ukrainian will become easier with practice. Here are some ways to practice:

1. **Role-Playing** – Practice with a language partner or tutor by role-playing different scenarios where you need to make requests.

2. **Flashcards** – Use flashcards to memorize common phrases and their meanings.

3. **Real-Life Practice** – Try using these phrases in real-life situations. The more you practice, the more confident you will become.

4. **Language Apps** – Utilize language learning apps that focus on practical conversation skills.


Learning how to make requests in Ukrainian is an essential step in becoming proficient in the language. Whether you’re asking for directions, ordering food, or seeking assistance, these phrases will help you communicate more effectively and politely. Remember, politeness and formality are highly valued in Ukrainian culture, so always try to use polite forms and phrases like “будь ласка.”

By practicing these phrases and incorporating them into your daily interactions, you’ll find that making requests in Ukrainian becomes second nature. Happy learning!