Ukrainian Vocabulary for Different Occupations

Learning a new language often involves understanding the vocabulary pertinent to various aspects of life, including occupations. If you are diving into the Ukrainian language, you may find it especially useful to learn the vocabulary associated with different professions. This article will guide you through a comprehensive list of Ukrainian terms for various occupations, providing you with a solid foundation to discuss careers and professional life in Ukrainian.

General Terms Related to Occupations

Before we delve into specific professions, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with some general terms that are frequently used when talking about jobs and occupations in Ukrainian. Here are a few key words and phrases:

Робота (Robota) – Work/Job
Професія (Profesіya) – Profession
Кар’єра (Kar’era) – Career
Працівник (Pratsivnyk) – Worker/Employee
Шеф (Shef) – Boss
Зарплата (Zarplata) – Salary
Інтерв’ю (Interv’yu) – Interview

These basic terms will help you build more complex sentences and understand conversations related to work and careers.

Administrative and Office Jobs

Administrative and office jobs are a significant part of the modern workforce. Here are some Ukrainian terms for common administrative and office-related positions:

Секретар (Sekretar) – Secretary
Менеджер (Menedzher) – Manager
Бухгалтер (Bukhgalter) – Accountant
Адміністратор (Administrator) – Administrator
Офісний працівник (Ofisnyy pratsivnyk) – Office Worker
Асистент (Asystent) – Assistant
Керівник відділу (Kerivnyk viddilu) – Department Head

Understanding these terms can be particularly useful if you find yourself working in an office environment in Ukraine or interacting with Ukrainian colleagues in a professional setting.

IT and Technology

The IT and technology sector is booming worldwide, and Ukraine is no exception. Here are some key terms for IT and technology-related jobs:

Програміст (Prohramist) – Programmer
Інженер-програміст (Inzhener-prohramist) – Software Engineer
Веб-розробник (Veb-rozrobnyk) – Web Developer
Системний адміністратор (Systemnyy administrator) – System Administrator
Аналітик (Analіtyk) – Analyst
Тестувальник (Testuvalnyk) – Tester/QA Engineer
IT-консультант (IT-konsultant) – IT Consultant

With these terms, you will be well-equipped to discuss various positions within the tech industry in Ukrainian.

Healthcare Professions

Healthcare is another vital sector with its own set of specific job titles. Here are some Ukrainian terms for common healthcare professions:

Лікар (Likar) – Doctor
Стоматолог (Stomatoloh) – Dentist
Медсестра (Medsestra) – Nurse
Фармацевт (Farmatsevт) – Pharmacist
Хірург (Khirurh) – Surgeon
Педіатр (Pediatr) – Pediatrician
Терапевт (Terapevt) – Therapist

Learning these terms will help you navigate conversations about healthcare and understand discussions about medical professions.

Education and Academia

Education is a field with various roles, from teaching to administrative positions. Here are some key terms in Ukrainian for jobs in education:

Вчитель (Vchytel) – Teacher
Викладач (Vykladach) – Lecturer
Професор (Profesor) – Professor
Директор школи (Dyrektor shkoly) – School Principal
Науковець (Naukovets) – Scientist/Researcher
Бібліотекар (Bibliotekar) – Librarian
Тренер (Trener) – Coach/Trainer

Whether you are a teacher, student, or academic professional, these terms will be useful in educational settings.

Trade and Manual Labor

Trade and manual labor jobs are essential for any economy. Here are some Ukrainian terms for various trades and manual labor positions:

Будівельник (Budivelʹnyk) – Builder/Construction Worker
Механік (Mekhanik) – Mechanic
Електрик (Elektryk) – Electrician
Сантехнік (Santekhnik) – Plumber
Зварювальник (Zvaryuvalnyk) – Welder
Маляр (Malyar) – Painter
Тесляр (Teslyar) – Carpenter

These terms will come in handy when discussing various trades and manual labor professions.

Service Industry

The service industry encompasses a wide range of jobs, from hospitality to retail. Here are some relevant Ukrainian terms:

Офіціант (Ofіtsіant) – Waiter/Waitress
Бармен (Barmen) – Bartender
Кухар (Kukhar) – Chef/Cook
Покоївка (Pokoivka) – Housekeeper
Перукар (Perukar) – Hairdresser
Продавець (Prodavets) – Salesperson
Касир (Kasyr) – Cashier

If you work in or interact with the service industry, these terms will be invaluable.

Creative Professions

Creative professions add color and innovation to our lives. Here are some Ukrainian terms for various creative jobs:

Художник (Khoudzhnyk) – Artist
Музикант (Muzykant) – Musician
Актор (Aktоr) – Actor
Дизайнер (Dyzaіner) – Designer
Фотограф (Fotograf) – Photographer
Письменник (Pysʹmennyk) – Writer
Журналіст (Zhurnalist) – Journalist

These terms will help you engage in conversations about the arts and creative industries.

Legal and Law Enforcement

Legal and law enforcement professions are crucial for maintaining order and justice. Here are some Ukrainian terms for these jobs:

Адвокат (Advokat) – Lawyer
Суддя (Suddya) – Judge
Поліцейський (Politseysʹkyy) – Police Officer
Прокурор (Prokuror) – Prosecutor
Юрист (Yuryst) – Legal Advisor
Детектив (Detektyv) – Detective
Охоронець (Okhoronetsʹ) – Security Guard

These terms will enable you to discuss legal matters and law enforcement roles effectively.


Learning the vocabulary for different occupations in Ukrainian not only enhances your language skills but also broadens your understanding of the professional landscape in Ukraine. Whether you are planning to work in Ukraine, have Ukrainian colleagues, or simply want to expand your linguistic horizons, knowing these terms will be immensely beneficial.

Remember to practice these words in context to retain them better and to understand their usage in real-life conversations. With this comprehensive list, you’re well on your way to mastering the Ukrainian terms for various occupations. Happy learning!