Ukrainian Words for Everyday Objects

Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding experience. One of the most practical ways to start is by familiarizing yourself with words for everyday objects. This approach helps you immediately apply what you learn in daily life, making the language more relevant and easier to retain. If you’re learning Ukrainian, this article will introduce you to essential words for everyday objects that you will encounter frequently. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon as you continue your language journey.

Household Items

When you’re learning a new language, your home is one of the best places to start. You spend a lot of time there, and it’s full of objects you use daily. Here are some common household items in Ukrainian:

Living Room

1. **Chair** – стілець (stilets)
2. **Table** – стіл (stil)
3. **Sofa** – диван (dyvan)
4. **Television** – телевізор (televizor)
5. **Lamp** – лампа (lampa)
6. **Carpet** – килим (kylim)
7. **Picture** – картина (kartyna)


1. **Refrigerator** – холодильник (kholodylnyk)
2. **Oven** – духовка (dukhovka)
3. **Microwave** – мікрохвильовка (mikrokhvylyovka)
4. **Sink** – умивальник (umyvalnyk)
5. **Knife** – ніж (nizh)
6. **Fork** – вилка (vylka)
7. **Spoon** – ложка (lozhka)
8. **Plate** – тарілка (tarilka)
9. **Cup** – чашка (chashka)


1. **Toothbrush** – зубна щітка (zubna shchitka)
2. **Toothpaste** – зубна паста (zubna pasta)
3. **Shampoo** – шампунь (shampun)
4. **Soap** – мило (mylo)
5. **Towel** – рушник (rushnyk)
6. **Mirror** – дзеркало (dzerkalo)
7. **Toilet** – туалет (tualet)


Knowing the words for clothing items can be incredibly useful, especially when shopping or doing laundry. Here are some basic clothing terms in Ukrainian:

1. **Shirt** – сорочка (sorochka)
2. **Pants** – штани (shtany)
3. **Dress** – сукня (suknya)
4. **Skirt** – спідниця (spidnytsya)
5. **Shoes** – взуття (vzuttya)
6. **Hat** – капелюх (kapelyukh)
7. **Coat** – пальто (palto)
8. **Gloves** – рукавички (rukavychky)
9. **Socks** – шкарпетки (shkarpetky)

Office Supplies

Whether you’re studying or working, knowing the names of common office supplies can be quite helpful:

1. **Pen** – ручка (ruchka)
2. **Pencil** – олівець (olivets)
3. **Notebook** – зошит (zoshyt)
4. **Paper** – папір (papir)
5. **Computer** – комп’ютер (kompyuter)
6. **Printer** – принтер (prynter)
7. **Desk** – письмовий стіл (pysmovyy stil)
8. **Chair** – стілець (stilets)
9. **Folder** – папка (papka)

Food and Drinks

Understanding the names of common foods and drinks is essential, whether you’re cooking at home or dining out:

1. **Bread** – хліб (khlib)
2. **Milk** – молоко (moloko)
3. **Water** – вода (voda)
4. **Coffee** – кава (kava)
5. **Tea** – чай (chai)
6. **Apple** – яблуко (yabluko)
7. **Banana** – банан (banan)
8. **Chicken** – курка (kurka)
9. **Fish** – риба (ryba)
10. **Vegetables** – овочі (ovochi)
11. **Fruit** – фрукти (frukty)


If you’re traveling or commuting, knowing these transportation-related words will be useful:

1. **Car** – автомобіль (avtomobil)
2. **Bus** – автобус (avtobus)
3. **Train** – поїзд (poyizd)
4. **Bicycle** – велосипед (velosyped)
5. **Airplane** – літак (litak)
6. **Taxi** – таксі (taksi)
7. **Boat** – човен (choven)
8. **Subway** – метро (metro)
9. **Ticket** – квиток (kvytok)


In our modern world, technology is omnipresent. Here are some basic terms you should know:

1. **Phone** – телефон (telefon)
2. **Computer** – комп’ютер (kompyuter)
3. **Tablet** – планшет (planshet)
4. **Internet** – інтернет (internet)
5. **Email** – електронна пошта (elektronna poshta)
6. **Keyboard** – клавіатура (klaviatura)
7. **Mouse** – мишка (myshka)
8. **Screen** – екран (ekran)
9. **Headphones** – навушники (navushnyky)


If you enjoy spending time outdoors, these nature-related words will come in handy:

1. **Tree** – дерево (derevo)
2. **Flower** – квітка (kvitka)
3. **Grass** – трава (trava)
4. **Sky** – небо (nebo)
5. **Sun** – сонце (sontse)
6. **Moon** – місяць (misyats)
7. **Star** – зірка (zirka)
8. **River** – річка (richka)
9. **Mountain** – гора (hora)

Tips for Learning Ukrainian Vocabulary

Learning a new language is a marathon, not a sprint. Here are some tips to help you retain these new words and incorporate them into your daily life:


Use flashcards to drill the vocabulary. Digital flashcard apps like Anki or Quizlet can be particularly useful because they use spaced repetition algorithms to help you review words just before you’re likely to forget them.

Label Objects Around Your Home

Create labels for the everyday objects around your home with their Ukrainian names. For example, put a label that says стілець on your chair. Seeing the words in context will help reinforce your memory.

Practice with Native Speakers

Engage with native Ukrainian speakers through language exchange apps, social media, or local community groups. Practicing with native speakers can help you learn the correct pronunciation and usage of new words.

Watch Ukrainian Media

Consume Ukrainian media such as movies, TV shows, or YouTube channels. Pay attention to how everyday objects are named and used in conversations. This not only improves your vocabulary but also your understanding of cultural context.

Keep a Vocabulary Journal

Maintain a journal where you write down new words and phrases along with their meanings and example sentences. Reviewing this journal regularly can help reinforce your learning.


Learning the names of everyday objects is a crucial step in mastering any language, and Ukrainian is no exception. By focusing on these essential words, you can make your learning experience more practical and enjoyable. Whether you’re labeling items around your home, practicing with flashcards, or engaging with native speakers, these strategies will help you build a strong vocabulary foundation. Happy learning!