Ukrainian Words for Health and Medicine

Learning a new language can be an exciting journey, filled with the discovery of new words, phrases, and cultural insights. When it comes to Ukrainian, one of the most beautiful and melodic languages in Eastern Europe, there are countless areas to explore. Among them, understanding the vocabulary related to health and medicine is crucial, especially for those who might be traveling, living, or working in Ukraine. In this article, we will delve into essential Ukrainian words and phrases that you might need to communicate effectively in health and medical contexts.

Basic Health Vocabulary

Let’s start with some fundamental words related to health. These are terms you might use in everyday conversations about health and well-being.

Здоров’я (Zdorov’ya) – Health
Хвороба (Khvoroba) – Illness
Біль (Bil’) – Pain
Лікар (Likar) – Doctor
Пацієнт (Patsiyent) – Patient
Аптека (Apteka) – Pharmacy
Ліки (Liky) – Medicine
Лікування (Likuvannya) – Treatment
Терапія (Terapia) – Therapy
Огляд (Ohlyad) – Examination

These words form the foundation of your medical vocabulary in Ukrainian. Knowing them can help you describe basic health conditions and understand general health-related conversations.

Visiting the Doctor

When visiting a doctor, there are specific phrases and questions that are particularly useful. Here are some terms and sentences that could come in handy during a medical appointment:

Я хочу записатися на прийом до лікаря. (Ya khochu zapysatysya na pryiyom do likarya.) – I want to make an appointment with the doctor.
У мене болить голова. (U mene bolyt’ holova.) – I have a headache.
Де болить? (De bolyt’?) – Where does it hurt?
У мене болить живіт. (U mene bolyt’ zhivit.) – I have a stomach ache.
У мене висока температура. (U mene vysoka temperatura.) – I have a high fever.
Я погано себе почуваю. (Ya pohano sebe pochuvayu.) – I feel unwell.
Чи є у вас алергії? (Chy ye u vas alerhiyi?) – Do you have any allergies?
Я алергічний на пеніцилін. (Ya alerhichnyy na penitsilyn.) – I am allergic to penicillin.
Чи ви приймаєте якісь ліки? (Chy vy pryymaete yakis’ liky?) – Are you taking any medications?
Я приймаю аспірин. (Ya pryymayu aspiryn.) – I am taking aspirin.

These phrases will help you articulate your symptoms and communicate effectively with healthcare professionals.

Common Medical Conditions

Understanding and being able to describe common medical conditions is important. Here are some terms for frequent ailments:

Грип (Hryp) – Flu
Застуда (Zastuda) – Cold
Кашель (Kashel’) – Cough
Нежить (Nezhyt’) – Runny nose
Бронхіт (Bronkhit) – Bronchitis
Астма (Astma) – Asthma
Алергія (Alerhiya) – Allergy
Інфекція (Infektsiya) – Infection
Запалення (Zapalennya) – Inflammation
Отруєння (Otruiennya) – Poisoning

These terms will help you describe specific health issues more accurately.

Emergency Situations

In case of an emergency, knowing the right vocabulary is crucial. Here are some words and phrases that could be life-saving:

Швидка допомога (Shvydka dopomoha) – Ambulance
Викликати швидку допомогу (Vyklykaty shvydku dopomoha) – Call an ambulance
Невідкладна допомога (Nevidkladna dopomoha) – Emergency care
Пожежа (Pozhezha) – Fire
Вогонь (Vohon’) – Fire (as in flames)
Поліція (Politsiya) – Police
Допоможіть! (Dopomozhit’!) – Help!
Я потребую допомоги! (Ya potrebuyu dopomohy!) – I need help!
Я загубився. (Ya zahubyvsya.) – I am lost.
Мені потрібен лікар. (Meni potriben likar.) – I need a doctor.

In emergency situations, these phrases can help you get the assistance you need quickly.

At the Pharmacy

Pharmacies are essential places where you can get medications and health-related products. Knowing how to communicate your needs in a pharmacy is very important:

Чи можете ви мені допомогти? (Chy mozhete vy meni dopomohty?) – Can you help me?
Мені потрібні ці ліки. (Meni potribni tsi liky.) – I need this medication.
Чи можна купити це без рецепта? (Chy mozhna kupyty tse bez retsepta?) – Can this be bought without a prescription?
У мене закінчилися ліки. (U mene zakinchylysya liky.) – I have run out of medication.
Чи є у вас щось від болю в горлі? (Chy ye u vas shchos’ vid bolyu v horli?) – Do you have anything for a sore throat?
Мені потрібен рецепт. (Meni potriben retsept.) – I need a prescription.
Я шукаю вітаміни. (Ya shukayu vitaminy.) – I am looking for vitamins.
Скільки це коштує? (Skil’ky tse koshtuye?) – How much does this cost?
Який у вас графік роботи? (Yakyj u vas hrafik roboty?) – What are your opening hours?

These phrases will help you navigate a Ukrainian pharmacy more effectively.

Hospital Vocabulary

If you ever need to visit a hospital, knowing specific terms will make the experience less daunting. Here are some essential words and phrases:

Лікарня (Likarnya) – Hospital
Відділення (Viddilennya) – Department
Хірургія (Khirurhiya) – Surgery
Реанімація (Reanimatsiya) – Intensive care
Палата (Palata) – Ward/Room
Медсестра (Medsestra) – Nurse
Аналізи (Analizy) – Tests
Рентген (Renthen) – X-ray
УЗД (UZD) – Ultrasound
Томографія (Tomohrafiya) – CT scan
Виписка (Vypyska) – Discharge

Understanding these terms can help you better navigate a hospital environment and understand medical instructions.

Describing Symptoms

Being able to accurately describe your symptoms is critical for receiving appropriate care. Here are some common symptoms and how to say them in Ukrainian:

Головний біль (Holovnyy bil’) – Headache
Біль у животі (Bil’ u zhivoti) – Stomachache
Біль у грудях (Bil’ u hrudyakh) – Chest pain
Нудота (Nudota) – Nausea
Запаморочення (Zapamorochennya) – Dizziness
Слабкість (Slabkist’) – Weakness
Тремтіння (Tremtinnya) – Shivering
Набряк (Nabryak) – Swelling
Висип (Vysyp) – Rash
Задишка (Zadyshka) – Shortness of breath

These words will help you communicate your symptoms more effectively.

Health and Wellness

Maintaining health and wellness is important in any culture. Here are some terms related to overall well-being:

Правильне харчування (Pravylnye kharchuvannya) – Proper nutrition
Фізичні вправи (Fizychni vpravy) – Physical exercises
Спорт (Sport) – Sports
Відпочинок (Vidpochynok) – Rest
Сон (Son) – Sleep
Стрес (Stres) – Stress
Розслаблення (Rozslablennya) – Relaxation
Збалансована дієта (Zbalansovana diyeta) – Balanced diet
Питна вода (Pytna voda) – Drinking water
Здоровий спосіб життя (Zdorovyy sposib zhyttya) – Healthy lifestyle

Incorporating these words into your vocabulary can help you discuss and understand topics related to health and wellness.

Traditional and Alternative Medicine

Ukraine has a rich tradition of both conventional and alternative medicine. Here are some terms you might find useful:

Трав’яні настої (Trav’yani nastoyi) – Herbal infusions
Гомеопатія (Homeopatiya) – Homeopathy
Акупунктура (Akupunktura) – Acupuncture
Народна медицина (Narodna medytsyna) – Folk medicine
Масаж (Masazh) – Massage
Ароматерапія (Aromaterapiya) – Aromatherapy
Медитація (Medytsiya) – Meditation
Йога (Yoha) – Yoga
Баня (Banya) – Sauna/Bathhouse
Фітотерапія (Fitoterapiya) – Phytotherapy

These terms will help you explore and understand the various forms of traditional and alternative medicine practiced in Ukraine.


Mastering health and medical vocabulary in Ukrainian is not just about learning new words; it’s about ensuring you can communicate effectively and receive the care you need when it matters most. Whether you are visiting a doctor, describing symptoms, or navigating a pharmacy, having this vocabulary at your disposal can make a significant difference. Remember, language learning is a gradual process, so take your time to practice and use these words in context. Your efforts will not only enhance your language skills but also enrich your overall experience in Ukraine. Happy learning and stay healthy!