Common Ukrainian Phrases for Directions

Navigating through a new country can be a thrilling yet challenging experience, especially when you don’t speak the local language. If you’re planning a trip to Ukraine or simply want to expand your Ukrainian language skills, knowing how to ask for and understand directions is crucial. This article will equip you with common Ukrainian phrases for directions that can help you find your way around with ease.

Basic Phrases for Asking Directions

When you’re lost or need to find a specific place, these basic phrases will come in handy:

1. **Вибачте, де знаходиться…?** (Vy-bach-te, de zna-kho-dyt-sya…?) – Excuse me, where is…?
2. **Як мені дістатися до…?** (Yak me-ni dis-ta-ty-sya do…?) – How do I get to…?
3. **Чи не могли б ви допомогти мені знайти…?** (Chi ne mo-hly b vy do-po-mo-h-ty me-ni znay-ty…?) – Could you help me find…?

– **Вибачте, де знаходиться банк?** (Vy-bach-te, de zna-kho-dyt-sya bank?) – Excuse me, where is the bank?
– **Як мені дістатися до вокзалу?** (Yak me-ni dis-ta-ty-sya do vok-za-lu?) – How do I get to the train station?
– **Чи не могли б ви допомогти мені знайти аптеку?** (Chi ne mo-hly b vy do-po-mo-h-ty me-ni znay-ty ap-te-ku?) – Could you help me find the pharmacy?

Understanding Directions

Once you’ve asked for directions, you need to understand the response. Here are some common phrases you might hear:

1. **Прямо** (Prya-mo) – Straight ahead
2. **Наліво** (Na-li-vo) – To the left
3. **Направо** (Na-pra-vo) – To the right
4. **Поверніть наліво** (Po-ver-nit’ na-li-vo) – Turn left
5. **Поверніть направо** (Po-ver-nit’ na-pra-vo) – Turn right
6. **Перейдіть дорогу** (Pe-rey-dit’ do-ro-gu) – Cross the street
7. **На розі** (Na ro-zi) – At the corner
8. **За рогом** (Za ro-hom) – Around the corner
9. **Навпроти** (Nav-pro-ty) – Opposite
10. **Поруч** (Po-ruch) – Next to
11. **Між** (Mizh) – Between

– **Ідіть прямо, а потім поверніть направо.** (I-dit’ pryamo, a potim po-ver-nit’ na-pra-vo.) – Go straight, and then turn right.
– **Аптека знаходиться на розі вулиць.** (Ap-te-ka zna-kho-dyt-sya na ro-zi vu-ly-ts’) – The pharmacy is at the corner of the streets.
– **Ресторан поруч з банком.** (Re-sto-ran po-ruch z ban-kom.) – The restaurant is next to the bank.

Specific Locations and Landmarks

Knowing the names of specific locations and landmarks can make asking for and understanding directions easier. Here are some common places you might need to find:

1. **Готель** (Ho-tel’) – Hotel
2. **Ресторан** (Re-sto-ran) – Restaurant
3. **Кафе** (Ka-fe) – Cafe
4. **Магазин** (Ma-ha-zyn) – Store
5. **Аптека** (Ap-te-ka) – Pharmacy
6. **Банк** (Bank) – Bank
7. **Вокзал** (Vok-zal) – Train station
8. **Аеропорт** (A-e-ro-port) – Airport
9. **Автобусна зупинка** (Av-to-bus-na zu-pyn-ka) – Bus stop
10. **Парк** (Park) – Park
11. **Музей** (Mu-zey) – Museum
12. **Театр** (Te-atr) – Theater

– **Як мені дістатися до готелю?** (Yak me-ni dis-ta-ty-sya do ho-te-lu?) – How do I get to the hotel?
– **Де знаходиться вокзал?** (De zna-kho-dyt-sya vok-zal?) – Where is the train station?

Public Transportation

If you’re using public transportation, these phrases will be useful:

1. **Яку маршрутку мені взяти до…?** (Ya-ku mar-shrut-ku me-ni vza-ty do…?) – Which minibus should I take to…?
2. **Де найближча зупинка метро?** (De nay-bly-zhcha zu-pyn-ka me-tro?) – Where is the nearest metro station?
3. **О котрій годині наступний автобус до…?** (O ko-triy ho-di-ni nas-tup-nyy av-to-bus do…?) – What time is the next bus to…?

– **Яку маршрутку мені взяти до центру?** (Ya-ku mar-shrut-ku me-ni vza-ty do tsen-tru?) – Which minibus should I take to the city center?
– **Де найближча зупинка метро?** (De nay-bly-zhcha zu-pyn-ka me-tro?) – Where is the nearest metro station?

Buying Tickets and Asking About Schedules

1. **Скільки коштує квиток до…?** (Skil’-ky kosh-tu-ye kvy-tok do…?) – How much is a ticket to…?
2. **Коли відправляється поїзд до…?** (Ko-ly vid-prav-lya-yet-sya po-yizd do…?) – When does the train to… leave?
3. **Коли прибуває автобус до…?** (Ko-ly pry-bu-va-ye av-to-bus do…?) – When does the bus to… arrive?

– **Скільки коштує квиток до Львова?** (Skil’-ky kosh-tu-ye kvy-tok do L’vo-va?) – How much is a ticket to Lviv?
– **Коли відправляється поїзд до Києва?** (Ko-ly vid-prav-lya-yet-sya po-yizd do Ky-ye-va?) – When does the train to Kyiv leave?

Describing Locations

Being able to describe where something is can also be very helpful. Here are some useful phrases for describing locations:

1. **Це поруч з…** (Tse po-ruch z…) – It’s next to…
2. **Це навпроти…** (Tse nav-pro-ty…) – It’s opposite…
3. **Це між… і…** (Tse mizh… i…) – It’s between… and…

– **Це поруч з парком.** (Tse po-ruch z par-kom.) – It’s next to the park.
– **Це навпроти музею.** (Tse nav-pro-ty mu-zeyu.) – It’s opposite the museum.
– **Це між банком і аптекою.** (Tse mizh ban-kom i ap-te-ko-yu.) – It’s between the bank and the pharmacy.

Using Landmarks as Reference Points

Using landmarks as reference points can make it easier to give and understand directions. Here are some phrases that can help:

1. **Поблизу** (Po-bly-zu) – Near
2. **За** (Za) – Behind
3. **Перед** (Pe-red) – In front of
4. **Навколо** (Nav-ko-lo) – Around
5. **Через** (Che-rez) – Across

– **Поблизу парку є кафе.** (Po-bly-zu par-ku ye ka-fe.) – There is a cafe near the park.
– **За театром знаходиться музей.** (Za te-atr-om zna-kho-dyt-sya mu-zey.) – The museum is behind the theater.
– **Перед банком є автобусна зупинка.** (Pe-red ban-kom ye av-to-bus-na zu-pyn-ka.) – There is a bus stop in front of the bank.

Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to get comfortable with these phrases is to practice them. Here are a few tips to help you practice:

1. **Role-play**: Practice asking for and giving directions with a friend or language partner.
2. **Use a map**: Look at a map of a Ukrainian city and practice describing the locations of different places.
3. **Listen and repeat**: Find videos or audio recordings of people giving directions in Ukrainian and practice repeating what they say.


Knowing how to ask for and understand directions in Ukrainian can make your travels much smoother and more enjoyable. By familiarizing yourself with these common phrases, you’ll be better equipped to navigate through Ukrainian cities and towns with confidence. Remember, practice makes perfect, so take every opportunity to use these phrases and improve your language skills. Safe travels!